Meet My Chicken Monday
July 27, 2020 6:00AM EDT
It’s time for another Meet My Chicken Monday! And today I want to thank Sirin and her family for letting us see their flock. They are new to having chickens. Sirin says having the chickens has been really nice and the whole family can take part in.
The chickens bring them joy on a daily basis in this very uncertain and scary world. Sirin said that it’s likely something they would not have been able to do had they been going about their regular uninterrupted lives before Covid.
The chickens just hit their 6 week milestone a few weeks ago. They have settled well into their coop and run. (Which they built as a family- and survived haha) They are all beige rainbow dixies and look pretty similar right now so they call them collectively “the ladies” currently.
They’re favorite treats so far are strawberries, carrots, apples and any bug that flies. They have one girl who consistently will catch a big bug and bolt for a isolated corner so she doesn’t have to share her delicious treat with her sisters.
The ladies favorite part of the day is first thing in the morning when they get to free range in the yard. They will all kind of bum rush the door and demand love and then love pecks Sirin for awhile before taking off in search of bugs.
One will often sit on Sirin’s shoulder while she does her morning or evening walk through. How cute??
Sirin says she never imaged chickens would be so loving or personality filled – but they are! She loves them and we can all relate to that.
Thanks again Siren! Such a beautiful family and wonderful chickens. Oh…and Happy birthday Sirin! 🙂
Do you have chickens? I want to see and talk about them.
WFLS loves your feathered babies and they can be featured too!
Send your chicken pictures with their names and descriptions to [email protected] so you can be featured at, Facebook and on the air at 93.3, WFLS.
*If you’ve already submitted pictures of your chickens and want to send some new ones please do so. There’s no limit on how many times you can be featured.
**Have you missed a “Meet My Chicken Monday” post? Then click here to find a past post.
***Keep up with the Miller Flock (Buttercup, Grace, Molly and Pippi) on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to follow and like us!
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