Operation Tulip Drop 2.0

Bloomia announces Tulip Drop 2.0 on Saturday, April 10, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at James Monroe High School.

Tulip Drop was a huge success and with all the positive responses by the community, it only seemed right to do it again. Bloomia, whose tulips supplied Operation Tulip Drop, is the largest east coast supplier of tulips located in King George, Virginia.

“The goal was about bringing joy and happiness into everybody’s lives when COVID-19 hit,” says Werner Jansen, General Manager of Bloomia. “We noticed that a large amount of visitors were willing to donate generously, so this year we are contributing tulips again to receive donations and make both a positive influence as well as a noteworthy impact in the community.”

This year is to support those in need that make a difference when it comes to saving lives. Bloomia will be donating 100% of all money raised to Gwyneth’s Gift, a local non-profit devoted to making a difference in the community by raising awareness regarding the education of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).

Flowers are associated with kind acts such as thoughtfulness and generosity. The impact of flowers brings a deep emotion of happiness which connects us. Gwyneth’s Gift impacts the community and Virginia by providing CPR training, AEDs in schools, and encourages medical research. A heart attack is not discriminatory to age or race and neither is COVID-19, so let’s connect with flowers and help Gwyneth’s Gift continue their vision where everyone can save a life.

To participate in Tulip Drop this year, you can pre-order at the website or drive by on April 10, 2021 at the James Monroe High School.  The pre-ordering website launches March 10, 2021, so grab your virtual shopping bag and scroll through to select tulips for yourself and/or others. There are also options to donate tulips to local first responders, hospitals, teachers, and nursing homes. Don’t forget to check out Bloomia’s Facebook and Instagram to see the impact you made by donating tulips to the community.

See you on April 10, 2021 at James Monroe High school to pick up your tulips!

Per Press Release

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