Bringing Sand To the Beach

Have you ever heard the term, “Bringing sand to the beach”?  I got a taste of that over the weekend.  For years, I’ve decorated a little Blue Spruce tree that I planted more than a decade ago.  It was about 5 feet tall and a fun little thing to see in the front yard once I’d decorated it.   Over the years, that little tree got to be 10 feet tall or more and by the time I was done putting on all of the lights, you could see it from space.  My wife LOVED it.  

A few weeks ago, she started talking about missing the tree that I’d been decorating for years.  I told her to pick one at our new house and I’d decorate it.  Somehow, none of the pine trees along the perimeter of the woods surrounding our house were appropriate.      …Well obviously!  What was I thinking?!!!

If you look behind the two trees that have just arrived, you see the woods that came with the house.  BUYING a tree just seems crazy to me but I know how this goes.  I could give my opinion about “Bringing sand to the beach” by bringing my own pine tree to the forest, or I could dig the two holes at a place of her choosing and then put lights on them.  That decorating project is on for next weekend. 

Blue Spruce

And now, an update.  Here’s one of the new little trees all decorated up for Christmas at its new home

Update with decorated tree

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