Here’s How Much Grocery Shopping on an Empty Stomach Will Cost You…
We have all done it before, hit up a grocery store because it’s on our errands list and just assume we will eat the food when we get home. The problem is when you go to a grocery store hungry, you are actually losing money!
New research shows that grocery shopping on an empty stomach will cost you an extra $26 per trip! That adds up to A LOT!
So why is this? Well, think about it. For me, when I’m hungry, I go from thinking, “I need to stick to the list” to “Well, the list was just a starting point.” Which is true for a lot of people because you are so hungry that everything that is not on your list looks too good to resist.
So the lesson today… never go to the grocery store when hungry, it’s only going to hurt you in the end. And if you really want to work on sticking to your list, do what I do- order online so you are not tempted by all the aisles and baked goods and can really stick to the list!